Englisch-Polnisch Wörterbuch »

heart bedeutet auf Polnisch

take to heart verb
to take something seriously

brać sobie do sercaverb

wziąć sobie do sercaverb

tenderhearted adjective


the way to a man's heart is through his stomach cooking food for a man is a good way to win his affections

przez żołądek do serca

to one's heart's content adverb
until satisfied; as much as is wished

ile dusza zapragnieadverb

warm the cockles of someone's heart verb
to provide happiness to someone

lać miód na serceverb

wear one's heart on one's sleeve verb
to be transparent or forthright about one's emotions

mieć serce na dłoniverb


z całego serca

wholehearted adjective
having no reservations; showing unconditional and enthusiastic support


wholeheartedly adverb
in a wholehearted manner; with one's whole heart; enthusiastically


z całego sercaadverb

with all one's heart with much sincerity

całym sercem

z całego serca

xenoheart noun

serce od dawcy narządunoun