Englisch-Polnisch Wörterbuch »

great- bedeutet auf Polnisch

great grey owl noun
Strix nebulosa

puszczyk mszarnynoun

great grey shrike noun
Lanius excubitor


Great Himalayas

Wysokie Himalaje

Great Hours noun
a particularly solemn celebration in the Eastern Orthodox Church

Wielkie Godzinynoun

Great Hungarian Plain

Wielka Nizina Węgierska

great knot noun
the bird Calidris tenuirostris

biegus wielkinoun

Great Lakes noun
a group of five lakes on the United States–Canada border

Wielkie Jeziora Północnoamerykańskienoun

Great Lakes Region

Kraina Wielkich Jezior

Great Leap Forward noun
Great Leap Forward (in China)

Wielki skok naprzódnoun

great minds think alike used to emphasize two people reaching the same conclusion

wielkie umysły myślą tak samo

Great Morava

Wielka Morawa

great northern diver noun
large member of the diver family, Gavia immer

nur lodowiecnoun

Great Patriotic War noun
the war between the USSR and Nazi Germany between 1941 and 1945

wielka wojna ojczyźniananoun

Great Plains

Wielkie Równiny

great power noun
powerful state

wielkie mocarstwonoun

Great Pyramid of Giza noun
the largest and most famous of the Egyptian pyramids

Piramida Cheopsanoun

great reed warbler noun
Acrocephalus arundinaceus

trzciniak zwyczajnynoun

Great Russia noun
the territories of "Russia proper"


great sallow


Great Salt Lake noun
saltwater lake

Wielkie Jezioro Słonenoun

Great Satan noun
pejorative: United States of America

Wielki Szatannoun

Great Schism noun
schism from 1378 to 1417

Wielka schizma zachodnianoun

Great Schism noun
schism in 1054

Wielka schizma wschodnianoun

great skua noun
Stercorarius skua

wydrzyk wielkinoun

great snipe noun
Gallinago media


great spotted woodpecker noun
species of woodpecker

dzięcioł dużynoun

great tit noun


sikora bogatkanoun

great-uncle noun
uncle of one's parent

dziadek ciotecznynoun

great unwashed noun
a contemptuous term for the populace, particularly the working class



Great Vowel Shift noun
major change in the pronunciation of the English language

wielka przesuwka samogłoskowanoun

Great Wall of China noun
Chinese fortification

Wielki Mur Chińskinoun

Great White Owl

sowa śnieżna

great white shark noun
Carcharodon carcharias

żarłacz białynoun

Great Zab

Wielki Zab

great interjection



great adjective
important title


great adjective
very big, large scale
