Engelsk-Svensk ordbok »

new betyder på svenska

new [newer, newest] (additional, recently discovered)
[UK: njuː]
[US: nuː]


new [newer, newest] (recently made or created)
[UK: njuː]
[US: nuː]

nyadjektivYour bicycle is much newer than mine. = Din cykel är mycket nyare än min.

New Brunswick (province in eastern Canada)
proper noun
[UK: njuː ˈbrʌnz.wɪk]
[US: nuː ˈbrʌnz.wɪk]

New Brunswickproper noun

New Caledonia (overseas territory of France)
proper noun
[UK: njuː ˌkæ.lə.ˈdəʊ.niə]
[US: nuː ˌkæ.ləˈdo.ʊ.niə]

Nya Kaledonienproper noun

New Delhi (capital of India)
proper noun
[UK: njuː ˈde.li]
[US: nuː ˈde.li]

New Delhiproper noun

New England (six states of the United States)
proper noun
[UK: njuː ˈɪŋ.ɡlənd]
[US: nuː ˈɪŋ.ɡlənd]

New Englandproper noun

New English (form of the English language spoken since the Great Vowel Shift, completed in roughly 1550)
proper noun

nyengelskaproper noun

New Guinea (large island)
proper noun
[UK: njuː ˈɡɪ.ni]
[US: nuː ˈɡɪ.ni]

Nya Guineaproper noun

New High German (modern German language)
proper noun

nyhögtyskaproper noun

yngre nyhögtyskaproper noun

New Jersey (a northeast state of the United States of America)
proper noun

New Jerseyproper noun

New Latin (Latin after the Middle Ages)
proper noun

nylatin ~etproper noun

new moon (phase of moon when in conjunction with sun)
[UK: ˈnjuː.ˈmuːn]
[US: ˈnuː.ˈmuːn]


nymåne [~n ~månar]substantiv

New Objectivity (artistic movement)
proper noun

nya saklighetenproper noun

New Orleans (city)
proper noun

New Orleansproper noun

new potato (less mature potato)

färskpotatis [~en ~ar]substantiv

nypotatis [~en ~ar]substantiv

New Romantic noun

nyromantiker [~n ~]substantiv

New Spain (historical colony)
proper noun

Nya Spanienproper noun

New Testament (second half of the Christian Bible)
proper noun
[UK: njuː ˈte.stə.mənt]
[US: nuː ˈte.stə.mənt]

Nya Testamentetproper noun

New World (the Americas and Oceania)
proper noun
[UK: njuː wɜːld]
[US: nuː ˈwɝːld]

Ny Världproper noun

New Year (January 1 in the Julian and Gregorian calendar and the days following)
[UK: ˈnjuː.ˈjɪə]
[US: ˈnuː.ˈjɪə]

nytt årsubstantiv

nyår [~et ~]substantiv

New Year's Day (holiday occurring on January 1st)
[UK: njuː ˈjiəz deɪ]
[US: nuː ˈjɪr̩z ˈdeɪ]

nyårsdag [~en ~ar]substantiv

New Year's Eve (holiday on December 31st)
proper noun
[UK: njuː ˈjiəz iːv]
[US: nuː ˈjɪr̩z ˈiːv]

nyårsafton ~en -aftnarproper noun

New Year's resolution (vow one makes for the coming year)

nyårslöfte [~t ~n]substantiv

New York (state)
proper noun

New Yorkproper noun

staten New Yorkproper noun

New York City (large city in the USA)
proper noun

New Yorkproper noun

New Yorker [New Yorkers] (a native or resident of New York City)

New York-bosubstantiv

New Yorker [New Yorkers] (a native or resident of the state of New York)

new yorkaresubstantiv

new yorkbosubstantiv

New Zealand (attributive form - relating to New Zealand)
proper noun
[UK: njuː ˈziː.lənd]
[US: nuː ˈziː.lənd]

nyzeeländsk ~t ~aproper noun

New Zealand (country in Oceania)
proper noun
[UK: njuː ˈziː.lənd]
[US: nuː ˈziː.lənd]

Nya Zeelandproper noun

New Zealand falcon (Falco novaeseelandiae)


New Zealand scaup (Aythya novaeseelandiae)
[UK: njuː ˈziː.lənd ˈskɔːp]
[US: nuː ˈziː.lənd ˈskɔːp]


New Zealand spinach (Plant)
[UK: njuː ˈziː.lənd ˈspɪ.nɪdʒ]
[US: nuː ˈziː.lənd ˈspɪ.nətʃ]

nyzeeländsk spenatsubstantiv

New Zealander [New Zealanders] (a person from New Zealand or of New Zealand descent)
[UK: njuː ˈzɪ.lən.də(r)]
[US: nuː ˈziː.lən.dər]

nyzeeländare [~n ~, ~ländarna]substantiv

nyzeeländska [~n ~ländskor]substantiv

