Engelska | Svenska |
crib [cribs] (a baby’s bed with high sides) noun [UK: krɪb] [US: ˈkrɪb] | barnsäng [~en ~ar]substantiv spjälsäng [~en ~ar]substantiv |
crib [cribs] (a bin or box for storing grain) noun [UK: krɪb] [US: ˈkrɪb] | binge [~n bingar]substantiv |
crib [cribs] (a collection of quotes or references for use in speaking) noun [UK: krɪb] [US: ˈkrɪb] | lathund [~en ~ar]substantiv |
crib [cribs] (a feeding trough for animals) noun [UK: krɪb] [US: ˈkrɪb] | krubbasubstantiv |
crib [cribs] (notes concealed by a student to aid him/her in test or examination) noun [UK: krɪb] [US: ˈkrɪb] | fusklapp [~en ~ar]substantiv |
circumscribe [circumscribed, circumscribing, circumscribes] (to draw a line around; encircle) verb [UK: ˈsɜːk.əm.skraɪb] [US: ˌsərk.əm.ˈskraɪb] | omskriva [~skrev, ~skrivit, ~skriven ~skrivet ~skrivna, pres. ~skriver]verb |
circumscribe [circumscribed, circumscribing, circumscribes] (to limit narrowly; restrict) verb [UK: ˈsɜːk.əm.skraɪb] [US: ˌsərk.əm.ˈskraɪb] | begränsa [~de ~t]verb kringgärda [~de ~t]verb kringskära [~skar, ~skurit, ~skuren ~skuret ~skurna, pres. ~skär]verb |
describe [described, describing, describes] (to represent in words) verb [UK: dɪ.ˈskraɪb] [US: də.ˈskraɪb] | beskriva [beskrev, beskrivit, beskriven beskrivet beskrivna, pres. beskriver]verbCan you describe it? = Kan du beskriva den? |
indescribable (impossible, or very difficult to describe) adjective [UK: ˌɪn.dɪ.ˈskraɪ.bəb.l̩] [US: ˌɪn.də.ˈskraɪ.bəb.l̩] | obeskrivlig [~t ~a]adjektivIt was an indescribable situation. = Det var en obeskrivlig situation. |
indescribably (in an indescribable manner) adverb [UK: ˌɪn.dɪ.ˈskraɪ.bə.bli] [US: ˌɪn.dɪ.ˈskraɪ.bə.bli] | obeskrivligtadverb |
prescribe [prescribed, prescribing, prescribes] (to order a drug or medical device) verb [UK: prɪ.ˈskraɪb] [US: prə.ˈskraɪb] | förskriva [förskrev, förskrivit, förskriven förskrivet förskrivna, pres. förskriver]verb ordinera [~de ~t]verb |
prescribe [prescribed, prescribing, prescribes] (to specify as a required procedure or ritual) verb [UK: prɪ.ˈskraɪb] [US: prə.ˈskraɪb] | skriva utverb |
scribble [scribbled, scribbling, scribbles] (to write or draw carelessly and in a hurry) verb [UK: ˈskrɪb.l̩] [US: ˈskrɪb.l̩] | krafsa [~de ~t]verb |
subscribe [subscribed, subscribing, subscribes] (to agree to buy shares in a company) verb [UK: səb.ˈskraɪb] [US: səb.ˈskraɪb] | teckna sig förverb |
subscribe [subscribed, subscribing, subscribes] (to believe or agree with an idea) verb [UK: səb.ˈskraɪb] [US: səb.ˈskraɪb] | skriva underverb |
subscribe [subscribed, subscribing, subscribes] (to pay for the provision of a service) verb [UK: səb.ˈskraɪb] [US: səb.ˈskraɪb] | abonnera [~de ~t]verb |
subscribe [subscribed, subscribing, subscribes] (to sign up to receive a publication) verb [UK: səb.ˈskraɪb] [US: səb.ˈskraɪb] | prenumerera [~de ~t]verb |
subscriber [subscribers] (a person who subscribes to a publication or a service) noun [UK: səb.ˈskraɪ.bə(r)] [US: səb.ˈskraɪ.bər] | abonnent [~en ~er]substantiv prenumerant [~en ~er]substantiv |
Subscriber Identity Module (component on a SIM card that stores information to identify a mobile phone user) noun | SIM ~metsubstantiv |
transcribe [transcribed, transcribing, transcribes] (music: to adapt a composition) verb [UK: træn.ˈskraɪb] [US: træn.ˈskraɪb] | transkribera [~de ~t]verb |
unsubscribe (to cancel a subscription) verb [UK: ən.səb.ˈskraɪb] [US: ən.səb.ˈskraɪb] | avprenumereraverb säga uppverb |