Engelsk-Russisk ordbok »

autonomous betyr russisk

autonomous (acting on one's own)
[UK: ɔː.ˈtɒ.nə.məs]
[US: ɒ.ˈtɑː.nə.məs]


autonomous (self-governing, see also: independent)
[UK: ɔː.ˈtɒ.nə.məs]
[US: ɒ.ˈtɑː.nə.məs]


autonomous oblast (autonomous entity in the Soviet Union and Russia, see also: AO)

автономная областьnoun


autonomous okrug (a territorial and administrative division, see also: AO)

автономный округnoun

Autonomous Republic of Abkhazia (official name of Abkhazia)
proper noun

Автономная Республика Абхазияproper noun

Autonomous Republic of Crimea (official name of Crimea)
proper noun

Автономная Республика Крымproper noun

autonomous sensory meridian response noun

автономная сенсорная меридиональная реакцияnoun

Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic (type of administrative unit, see also: ASSR)

автономная советская социалистическая республикаnoun

Abkhaz Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic (autonomous republic, see also: Abkhaz ASSR)
proper noun

Абхазская Автономная Советская Социалистическая Республикаproper noun

Adyghe Autonomous Oblast (the Adyghe Autonomous Oblast)
proper noun

Адыгейская автономная областьproper noun

Agin-Buryat Autonomous Okrug (autonomous okrug)
proper noun

Агинский Бурятский автономный округproper noun

Chukotka Autonomous Okrug (a federal subject of Russia (an autonomous okrug) located partly on the Chukotka Peninsula)
proper noun

Чукоткаproper noun

Чукотский автономный округproper noun

Evenk Autonomous Okrug (an autonomous okrug in Russia)
proper noun

Эвенкийский автономный округproper noun

Jewish Autonomous Oblast (Jewish autonomous oblast in Russia)
proper noun
[UK: ˈdʒuːɪʃ ɔː.ˈtɒ.nə.məs ˈɑː.blæst]
[US: ˈdʒuː.ˌɪʃ ɒ.ˈtɑː.nə.məs ˈɑː.blæst]

ЕАОproper noun

Еврейская автономная областьproper noun

Komi-Permyak Autonomous Okrug (autonomous okrug)
proper noun

Коми-Пермяцкий автономный округproper noun

Koryak Autonomous Okrug (federal subject)
proper noun

Корякский автономный округ'proper noun

Nagorno-Karabakh Autonomous Oblast (autonomous oblast, see also: NKAO)
proper noun

Нагорно-Карабахская автономная областьproper noun

Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic (landlocked exclave of the Republic of Azerbaijan)
proper noun

Нахичеванская Автономная Республикаproper noun

Nenets Autonomous Okrug (federal subject)
proper noun

Ненецкий автономный округ'proper noun

Oyrot Autonomous Oblast (Autonomous oblast of the Soviet Union)
proper noun

Ойротская автономная областьproper noun

South Ossetian Autonomous Oblast (autonomous oblast, see also: SOAO)
proper noun

Юго-Осетинская автономная областьproper noun

Taymyr Autonomous Okrug (federal subject)
proper noun

Ненецкий автономный округ'proper noun

Ust-Orda Buryat Autonomous Okrug (autonomous okrug)
proper noun

Усть-Ордынский Бурятский автономный округproper noun

Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug (an autonomous okrug in Russia)
proper noun

Ямало-Ненецкий автономный округproper noun
