Engelsk-Polsk ordbok »

umber betyder på polska

ordinal number noun
grammar: word used to denote relative position in a sequence

liczebnik porządkowynoun

outnumber verb
be more in number


przewaga liczebnaverb

perfect number noun
a number that is the sum of all of its divisors except itself

liczba doskonałanoun

plumber noun
one who fits, etc, pipes for water, gas or drainage


plumber wrench noun
pipe wrench used to rotate plumbing pipes

klucz szwedzkinoun

positive number noun
positive number

liczba dodatnianoun

prime number noun
natural number

liczba pierwszanoun

quantum number noun
number that specifies the state of a quantum mechanical system

liczba kwantowanoun

random number noun
number allotted randomly using a suitable generator

liczba losowanoun

rational number noun
quotient of integers

liczba wymiernanoun

real number noun
limit of a convergent sequence of rational numbers

liczba rzeczywistanoun

rectangular number noun
number which is the product of two consecutive integers

liczba prostokątnanoun

sea cucumber noun
sea cucumber


serial number noun
unique number assigned to unit

numer seryjnynoun

slumber noun
a very light state of sleep


slumber verb
to be in a very light state of sleep



slumber party noun
a sleepover

piżama partynoun

squirting cucumber noun
Ecballium elaterium

ośli ogóreknoun




tryskawiec lekarskinoun

tryskawiec sprężystynoun

Stirling number of the second kind noun

liczba Stirlinga II rodzajunoun

tax identification number

numer identyfikacji podatkowej

telephone number noun
digits assigned to a telephone

numer telefonunoun

transcendental number noun
irrational nonalgebraic number

liczba przestępnanoun

triangular number noun
an integer which is the sum of n natural numbers

liczba trójkątnanoun

unnumbered adjective


what's your phone number what's your phone number?

jaki jest twój numer telefonu?

winding number noun
the number of times a curve travels counterclockwise around a point


wrong number noun
A call with a mistake in the number dialled
