Engelsk-Polsk ordbok »

strait betyder på polska

strait noun
narrow channel of water


Strait of Dover noun
strait in the English Channel

Cieśnina Kaletańskanoun

Strait of Gibraltar noun
Strait of Gibraltar

Cieśnina Gibraltarskanoun

Strait of Hormuz


Strait of Kerch noun

Cieśnina Kerczeńskanoun

Strait of Magellan noun
Strait of Magellan

Cieśnina Magellananoun

Strait of Malacca noun
strait between the Malay Peninsula and Sumatra

Cieśnina Malakkanoun

Strait of Messina noun
narrow section of water between Sicily and mainland Italy

Cieśnina Messyńskanoun

Cieśnina Mesyńskanoun

Strait of Sicily noun
strait between Sicily and Tunisia

Cieśnina Sycylijskanoun

straitjacket noun
a jacket-like garment

kaftan bezpieczeństwanoun

Bering Strait noun
strait between Russia and Alaska

Cieśnina Beringanoun

dire straits noun
difficult position


Kerch Strait

Cieśnina Kerczeńska

Korea Strait noun
a strait between Korea and Japan

Cieśnina Koreańskanoun

La Pérouse Strait noun

Cieśnina La Pérouse'anoun

Taiwan Strait noun
the channel of water between mainland China and Taiwan

Cieśnina Tajwańskanoun

Torres Strait noun
a strait between Australia and New Guinea

Cieśnina Torresanoun