Engelsk-Polsk ordbok »

one's betyder på polska

have one's finger on the pulse of

trzymać rękę na pulsie

have one's head in the clouds

mieć głowę w chmurach

have one's head screwed on verb

mieć głowę na karkuverb

have one's heart in the right place verb
to have good intentions, to be well-intentioned

mieć dobre intencjeverb

have one's tubes tied verb

podwiązać jajowodyverb

podwiązywać jajowodyverb

have one's way with verb
to engage in sexual intercourse


have someone in the palm of one's hand verb
to have full control over someone

mieć w garściverb

have something in one's sights

mieć na oku

have written all over one's face

mieć wypisane na czole

hide one's light under a bushel verb
to conceal one’s positive qualities or talents

chować pod korcemverb

schować pod korcemverb

trzymać pod korcemverb

hoist by one's own petard adjective
be hurt by one's own plot

wpadać we własny sidłaadjective

wpaść we własny sidłaadjective

hold in one's hand

mieć w garści

hold one's breath verb
to hold one's breath

wstrzymać oddechverb

wstrzymywać oddechverb

hold one's head high verb
act with pride

chodzić z podniesionym czołemverb

hold one's liquor verb
to have a considerable tolerance to alcohol


hold one's own verb
demonstrate oneself to be capable

poradzić sobieverb

radzić sobieverb

hold one's tongue verb
refrain from talking about something

trzymać język za zębamiverb

hold up one's end verb
to fulfill one's promise or obligation

dotrzymać obietnicyverb

dotrzymywać obietnicyverb

hot on someone's heels adjective
close behind

po piętachadjective

hurt someone's feelings verb
to offend someone


in all one's glory literally

w całej okazałości

w pełnej krasie

in all one's glory naked

w całej okazałości

in one's altitudes be drunk


in one's birthday suit

jak Pan Bóg stworzył

in one's element in a suitable environment

w swoim żywiole

in one's opinion

w mojej opinii

in one's own right as a consequence of one's own skill, qualification or state

w sobie

in one's prime

w kwiecie wieku

in one's right mind sane

przy zdrowych zmysłach

in the sweat of one's brow

w pocie czoła

jump down someone's throat verb
criticise with excessive and unexpected harshness

skakać sobie do gardełverb

jump someone's bones verb
have sex
