Engelsk-Polsk ordbok »

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white lady noun
in folklore

biała damanoun

white lead noun
lead carbonate or the paint thereof


white lie noun
deliberate untrue statement which is intended to produce a favorable result


white magic noun
magic derived from benign forces

biała magianoun

White Main

Biały Men

white man's foot

babka zwyczajna

white marriage noun
unconsummated marriage

białe małżeństwonoun

white matter noun
region of the central nervous system

istota białanoun

substancja białanoun

white meat noun
light-coloured meat

białe mięsonoun

white mulberry noun
mulberry tree

morwa białanoun

white mustard noun
Sinapis alba

gorczyca białanoun

white-naped crane noun
Antigone vipio

żuraw białoszyinoun

white-naped tit noun
Machlolophus nuchalis

sikora białokarkowanoun

White-necked Stork

bocian białoszyi

white night (astronomy) a night with only civil twilight, where the sun does not go further than 6° below the horizon

biała nocnoun

white night noun
a sleepless night

biała nocnoun

white-nosed coati noun
Nasua narica

ostronos białonosynoun

white oak

dąb biały

white paper noun
parliamentary document

biała księganoun

white pepper noun
Light-colored seed of pepper

biały pieprznoun

white petrolatum


white phosphorus

biały fosfor

white plume moth

piórolotek pięciopiór

white poplar noun
Populus alba


topola białanoun

white rhinoceros noun
Ceratotherium simum

nosorożec białynoun

white rice noun
rice with the hull polished off

biały ryżnoun

white-rumped mannikin

mniszka białorzytna

white-rumped munia

mniszka białorzytna

white-rumped needletail

kolcosternik białorzytny

white-rumped sandpiper noun
Calidris fuscicollis

biegus białorzytnynoun

white-rumped spinetail

kolcosternik białorzytny

White Russian noun


white rust noun
plant disease


White Sea noun
a sea to the northwest of Russia

Morze Białenoun

white-shouldered antshrike noun
passerine bird

chronka kropkowananoun

white space noun
single character or series of characters

biały znaknoun

white space noun
white area between written characters and graphic regions on a produced page

biały znaknoun

white-spectacled bulbul

bilbil arabski