Engelsk-Polsk ordbok »

-th betyder på polska

Alexander the Great noun
King of Macedonia

Aleksander Macedońskinoun

Aleksander Wielkinoun

all cats are grey in the dark proverb

w nocy wszystkie koty są czarne

all over the place Inconsistent; lacking a clear pattern; with a large amount of variation.

od Sasa do Lasa

all that glitters is not gold things that appear valuable or worthwhile might not actually be so

nie wszystko złoto, co się świeci

all that jazz everything else related to something; other similar things

inne takie

all the best interjection

wszystkiego najlepszegointerjection

all the gold in Fort Knox

za Chiny ludowe

all the live long day

cały boży dzień

all the money in the universe

za Chiny ludowe

all the money in the world

za Chiny ludowe

all the more adverb
even more

tym bardziejadverb

all the rage

ostatni krzyk mody

all the same adjective

wszystko jednoadjective

all the same adverb
anyway; nevertheless; nonetheless

wszystko jednoadverb

all the tea in China noun
something priceless or invaluable

za chińskiego boganoun

za Chinynoun

za Chiny ludowenoun

za nic na świecienoun

za skarby światanoun

za żadne pieniądzenoun

all the time

cały czas

all the time adverb


all the way adverb
to the end


aż doadverb

all there adjective
negative form, "not all there": mentally incompetent

mieć wszystkich w domuadjective

all things being equal adverb
without considering external factors

ceteris paribusadverb

all things considered adverb
generally speaking, all in all

biorąc wszystko pod uwagęadverb

ogólnie rzecz biorącadverb

all thumbs adjective
clumsy (idiom)

(mieć) dziurawe ręceadjective

all's well that ends well A happy ending makes up for everything that has gone before...

wszystko dobre, co się dobrze kończy

along the lines of similar to but not exactly equal

w stylu

among other things

między innymi

an apple a day keeps the doctor away apples are healthy and stave off illnesses

jabłko dziennie trzyma lekarza z dala

anatomical theatre

teatr anatomiczny

and that and everything related to that

i tym podobne

and the like and the like

i tym podobne

and the same to you


and then some confirming the preceding utterance

a nawet więcej

and therefore

w związku z czym