Engelsk-Polsk ordbok »

-stat betyder på polska

Orange Free State noun
former province of South Africa


Orange Free State noun
former republic in southern Africa


Papal States noun

Państwo Kościelnenoun

petrol station


Plurinational State of Bolivia noun
official name of Bolivia

Wielonarodowe Państwo Boliwianoun

police state noun
nation whose government controls people by police

państwo policyjnenoun

police station noun
building of police force

komenda policjinoun


posterunek policjinoun

polling station noun
place where voters go to cast their ballot

lokal wyborczynoun

power station noun
an industrial complex where electricity is produced


pump station


pumping station noun
building housing pumps


puppet state noun
state governed by a puppet government

państwo marionetkowenoun

radio station noun
broadcast station emitting an audio signal


railroad station

dworzec kolejowy

railway station noun
place where trains stop

stacja kolejowanoun

rogue state noun
state or nation acting outside of the accepted international norms and policies

państwo zbójeckienoun

sanitary-epidemiological station

stacja sanitarno-epidemiologiczna

satellite state noun
country that is only formally independent

państwo satelickienoun

social status noun
honor or prestige attached to one's position in society

pozycja społecznanoun

status społecznynoun

something is rotten in the state of Denmark Hamlet quotation, used in other contexts to mean "something is not right"

źle się dzieje w państwie duńskim

sovereign state noun
completely independent state

państwo suwerennenoun

space station noun
crewed artificial satellite

stacja kosmicznanoun


państwo w państwie

television station noun
studio from where a television channel is broadcasted

stacja telewizyjnanoun

the States


train station

dworzec kolejowy

transition state noun

stan przejściowynoun

unitary state noun
state that is governed as a single unit

państwo unitarnenoun

United Mexican States noun
United Mexican States

Meksykańskie Stany Zjednoczonenoun

United States noun
the United States

Stany Zjednoczonenoun

United States of America noun
a country in North America


Stany Zjednoczone Amerykinoun

United States Virgin Islands noun
a US overseas territory in the Caribbean

Wyspy Dziewicze Stanów Zjednoczonychnoun

Vatican City State noun
official name of Vatican City

Państwo Watykańskienoun

voting station

lokal wyborczy

weather station noun
station for meteorological observations

stacja meteorologicznanoun

welfare state noun
country in which such a system operates

państwo opiekuńczenoun