Engelsk-Polsk ordbok »

-phone betyder på polska

-phone device that makes a sound


-phone type of sound


answer the phone

odbierać telefon

burn phone noun
mobile phone used for only a short time and then thrown away so that the owner cannot be traced

jednorazowy telefonnoun

telefon na kartęnoun

can I use your phone can I use your phone?

czy mogę skorzystać z pana telefonu?

czy mogę skorzystać z pani telefonu?

car phone noun

telefon samochodowynoun

cell phone

telefon komórkowy

entry phone


International Phonetic Alphabet noun
standardized symbols for speech

międzynarodowy alfabet fonetycznynoun

mobile phone noun
portable telephone



telefon komórkowynoun

pick up the phone verb
to pick up the receiver of a telephone to answer a call

odebrać telefonverb

what's your phone number what's your phone number?

jaki jest twój numer telefonu?