Engelsk-Arabisk ordbok »

united states house of representatives betyder på arabiska

United States the United States|USA




الْوِلَايَاتُ الْمُتَّحِدَةf-p

House of Representatives lower house of parliament

مَجْلِس النُّوَّابm

United States Virgin Islands a US overseas territory in the Caribbean

جزر العذراء الأمريكية

جزر العذراء التابعة الولايات المتحدةf-p

United States of America id=Q30|country in North America


الْوِلَايَات الْمُتَّحِدَة

الْوِلَايَات الْمُتَّحِدَة الْأَمْرِيكِيَّة

united joined into a single entity


United Kingdom id=Q145|sovereign state in Europe|Great Britain

الْمَمْلَكَة الْمُتَّحِدَةf

United Nations international coalition

الْأُمَم الْمُتَّحِدَةf-p

house sparrow ''Passer domesticus''



house music type of electronic dance music with an uptempo beat and recurring kickdrum

موسيقى الهاوسf


house arrest confinement of a person, by authorities, to his or her residence

إقامة جبرية

custom house official building, in a port, where customs are collected and shipping is cleared for entry and exit


White House the official residence of the President of the United States of America

الْبَيْت الْأَبْيَضm

بَيْت أَبْيَضm

lower house part of a legislature

مَجْلِس أَدْنَىm

haunted house house believed to be a center for supernatural occurrences

بَيْت أَشْبَاحm

publishing house company that produces books|publisher

دَار نَشْرf


tech house subgenre of electronic music

تك هاوسm

printing house company chiefly devoted to printing


upper house part of a legislature

مَجْلِس عُلْوِيّm

United Arab Republic former country

الْجُمْهُورِيَّةُ الْعَرَبِيَّة الْمُتَّحِدَةf

United Arab Emirates id=Q878|country in Western Asia


الْإِمَارَات الْعَرَبِيَّة الْمُتَّحِدَةf-p

House of Lords upper chamber of UK parliament

مَجْلِس لُورْدَاتm

House of Commons lower house in UK or Canadian parliament

مَجْلِس عُمُومm

Sydney Opera House performing arts centre in Sydney

دار أُوبِرَا سِيدْنِيf

Federated States of Micronesia id=Q702|official name of Micronesia

وِلَايَات مِيكْرونِيسِيَا الْمُتَّحِدَةf

Commonwealth of Independent States alliance of former Soviet republics

اِتِّحَاد اَلدُّوَل اَلْمُسْتَقِلَّةm

United Kingdom of Great Britain id=Q161885|United Kingdom of Great Britain

الْمَمْلَكَة الْمُتَّحِدَة لِبِرِيطَانِيَا الْعُظْمَى

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland id=Q174193|United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland

الْمَمْلَكَة الْمُتَّحِدَة لِبِرِيطَانِيَا الْعُظْمَى وَأَيِرْلَنْدَا

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland id=Q145|United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

الْمَمْلَكَة الْمُتَّحِدَة لِبِرِيطَانِيَا الْعُظْمَى وَأَيِرْلَنْدَا الشَّمَالِيَّة
