Engelsk-Arabisk ordbok »

tower betyder på arabiska

tower structure


Tower of Babel tower erected at Babel

بُرْج بَابِل

Tower of London a fortress in London

بُرْج لَنْدَنm

tower of silence low, cylindrical open-topped tower where Zoroastrians place the bodies of deceased people to disintegrate

بُرْج الصَّمْتm

towering very tall, taller than surrounding objects


clock tower tower having a large clock

بُرْج سَاعَةm

control tower airport control tower

بُرْج مُرَاقَبَةm

Eiffel Tower tower in Paris

بُرْج إِيفِلm

Leaning Tower of Pisa the leaning bell tower in the Italian town of Pisa

بُرْج بِيزَا اَلْمَائِلm

Twin Towers the two main buildings of the World Trade Center

مَرْكَز اَلتِّجَارَة اَلْعَالَمِيّm

water tower tank of water

خَزَّانُ مَاءm
