Engelsk-Arabisk ordbok »

effect betyder på arabiska

effect result of an action



effective having the power to produce a required effect or effects


butterfly effect technical notion of sensitive dependence on initial conditions in chaos theory

تَأْثِير الْفَرَاشَةm

domino effect chain of events

تأثير الدومينو

founder effect lessening of genetic variation when the entire population descends from a small number of founders

تَأْثِير المُؤَسَّسَةm

تَأْثِير المُؤَسِّسm

greenhouse effect process by which a planet is warmed by its atmosphere

اَلاِحْتِبَاس اَلْحَرَارِيّm

Mozart effect supposed phenomenon by which listening to Mozart induces improvement in mental performance

تَأْثِير مُوتْسَارْتm

side effect unintended consequence of any action

أَثَر جَانِبِيّm

snowball effect accelerating growth

تأثير كرة الثلج

Woozle effect phenomenon whereby frequent citation of earlier publications leads to a mistaken public belief in something for which there is no evidence

تأثير ووزل
