dictionnaire Synonyme-Anglais »

gulf signifie anglais

Gulf of Akaba noun

gulf of akabanoun

gulf of aqabanoun

Gulf of Alaska noun

gulf of alaskanoun

Gulf of Antalya noun

gulf of antalyanoun

Gulf of Aqaba noun

gulf of akabanoun

gulf of aqabanoun

Gulf of Bothnia noun

gulf of bothnianoun

Gulf of California noun

gulf of californianoun

sea of cortesnoun

Gulf of Campeche noun

bay of campechenoun

golfo de campechenoun

gulf of campechenoun

Gulf of Carpentaria noun


gulf of carpentarianoun

Gulf of Corinth noun

gulf of corinthnoun

gulf of lepantonoun

Gulf of Finland noun

gulf of finlandnoun

Gulf of Guinea noun

gulf of guineanoun

Gulf of Lepanto noun

gulf of corinthnoun

gulf of lepantonoun

Gulf of Martaban noun

gulf of martabannoun

Gulf of Mexico noun

golfo de mexiconoun

gulf of mexiconoun

Gulf of Ob noun

bay of obnoun

gulf of obnoun

Gulf of Oman noun

gulf of omannoun

Gulf of Riga noun

gulf of riganoun

Gulf of Saint Lawrence noun

gulf of saint lawrencenoun

gulf of st. lawrencenoun

Gulf of Siam noun

gulf of siamnoun

gulf of thailandnoun

Gulf of Sidra noun

gulf of sidranoun

Gulf of St. Lawrence noun

gulf of saint lawrencenoun

gulf of st. lawrencenoun

Gulf of Suez noun

gulf of sueznoun

Gulf of Tehuantepec noun

gulf of tehuantepecnoun

Gulf of Thailand noun

gulf of siamnoun

gulf of thailandnoun

Gulf of Venice noun

gulf of venicenoun

Gulf States noun

gulf statesnoun