dictionnaire Synonyme-Anglais »

commons signifie anglais

common sense noun
generic term

road sensenoun

common shares noun

common stocknoun

ordinary sharesnoun

common shares noun
generic term

blue chipnoun

blue-chip stocknoun

classified stocknoun

stock of recordnoun

common shiner noun

notropis cornutusnoun


common shrew noun

sorex araneusnoun

common sickle pine noun

falcatifolium falciformenoun

common snapping turtle noun

chelydra serpentinanoun

common snowberry noun


symphoricarpos albanoun


common soldier noun

buck privatenoun

common speedwell noun


veronica officinalisnoun

common spindle tree noun

euonymus europaeusnoun

common spoonbill noun

platalea leucorodianoun

common spotted orchid noun

dactylorhiza fuchsiinoun

dactylorhiza maculata fuchsiinoun

common St John's wort noun

common st john's wortnoun

hypericum androsaemumnoun


common staghorn fern noun

elkhorn fernnoun

platycerium alcicornenoun

platycerium bifurcatumnoun

common starling noun

sturnus vulgarisnoun

common stinkhorn noun

phallus impudicusnoun

common stock noun

common sharesnoun

ordinary sharesnoun

common stock noun
generic term

blue chipnoun

blue-chip stocknoun

classified stocknoun

stock of recordnoun

common sunflower noun

helianthus annuusnoun


British House of Commons noun

british house of commonsnoun

house of commonsnoun