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torpiller signifie anglais

torpiller verbe

torpedo [torpedoes, torpedoed, torpedoing, torpedo]◼◼◼(to send a torpedo)
[UK: tɔː.ˈpiː.dəʊ] [US: tɔːr.ˈpiːˌdo.ʊ]
The enemy torpedoed our ship. = L'ennemi a torpillé notre bateau.

torpedo [torpedoes, torpedoed, torpedoing, torpedo]◼◼◼(to sink a ship with one or more torpedoes)
[UK: tɔː.ˈpiː.dəʊ] [US: tɔːr.ˈpiːˌdo.ʊ]
The enemy torpedoed our ship. = L'ennemi a torpillé notre bateau.

torpedo [torpedoes, torpedoed, torpedoing, torpedo]◼◼◼(to undermine or destroy any endeavor with a stealthy, powerful attack)
[UK: tɔː.ˈpiː.dəʊ] [US: tɔːr.ˈpiːˌdo.ʊ]
The enemy torpedoed our ship. = L'ennemi a torpillé notre bateau.