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variety signifie français

variety [varieties] (rank in a taxonomic classification below species and (if present) subspecies, and above form)
[UK: və.ˈraɪə.ti]
[US: və.ˈraɪə.ti]

variété◼◼◼nom {f}This man craves variety. = Cet homme a envie de variété.

variety [varieties] (specific variation of something)
[UK: və.ˈraɪə.ti]
[US: və.ˈraɪə.ti]

variété◼◼◼nom {f}This man craves variety. = Cet homme a envie de variété.

variety [varieties] (specific form of a language, neutral to whether that form is an accent, dialect, register, etc., and to its prestige level, see also: isolect; lect)
[UK: və.ˈraɪə.ti]
[US: və.ˈraɪə.ti]

variété◼◼◼nom {f}This man craves variety. = Cet homme a envie de variété.

variety is the spice of life (variety is what makes life interesting)

il faut varier les plaisirsphrase

variety show (type of entertainment featuring a succession of short, unrelated performances by various artistes)
[UK: və.ˈraɪə.tɪ.ˈʃəʊ]
[US: və.ˈraɪə.tɪ.ˈʃəʊ]

émission de variétés◼◼◼nom {f}

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