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dinner signifie français

dinner [dinners] (main meal of the day)
[UK: ˈdɪ.nə(r)]
[US: ˈdɪ.nər]

dîner [Central France]◼◼◼nom {m}They ate dinner. = Ils ont dîné.

souper [Belgium◼◼◻nom {m}I'm having dinner. = Je soupe.

but the midday meal is the main meal]nom {m}

Cajunnom {m}

Swiss and Canadian French; eaten in the eveningnom {m}

dinner [dinners] (midday meal)
[UK: ˈdɪ.nə(r)]
[US: ˈdɪ.nər]

dîner [Belgium◼◼◼nom {m}They ate dinner. = Ils ont dîné.

déjeuner◼◼◻nom {m}I'll have dinner. = Je déjeunerai.

Canadian◼◻◻nom {m}

Cajunnom {m}

Louisiana and Romandy French]nom {m}

Swissnom {m}

dinner's ready phrase
[UK: ˈdɪnəz ˈrɛdi ]
[US: ˈdɪnərz ˈrɛdi ]

à table !◼◼◼phrase

all duck or no dinner (all or nothing)

c'est ça ou rienphrase

candlelit dinner noun

dîner aux chandelles◼◼◼nom {m}