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värld înseamnă în Engleză

första världskriget proper noun

World War I(war)
proper noun

grymma värld! phrase

goodbye, cruel world(exclamation prior to suicide)

hela världen substantiv

end of the world(any change that seems catastrophic or devastating)
[UK: end əv ðə wɜːld] [US: ˈend əv ðə ˈwɝːld]

i hela världen preposition

on earth(expletive giving emphasis after interrogative word)

i världsklass adjektiv

world-class(of a standard that ranks among the best in the world)
[UK: wɜːld klɑːs] [US: ˈwɝːld ˈklæs]

inte hela världen phrase

not the end of the world(it's not the end of the world)

Ny Värld proper noun

New World(the Americas and Oceania)
proper noun
[UK: njuː wɜːld] [US: nuː ˈwɝːld]

slutet på världen som vi känner den substantiv

TEOTWAWKI((acronym) The end of the world as we know it)

tankevärld [~en ~ar] substantiv

thought-world(conceptual universe)
[UK: ˈθɔːt wɜːld] [US: ˈθɔːt ˈwɝːld]

tredje världen proper noun

Third World(developing countries)
proper noun
[UK: ˈθɜːd wɜːld] [US: ˈθɝːd ˈwɝːld]

tredje världskriget proper noun

World War III(hypothetical world war (World War III))
proper noun

undre värld substantiv

underworld(part of society engaged in crime or vice)
[UK: ˈʌn.də.wɜːld] [US: ˈʌn.dəˌr.wərld]

utomvärldslig [~t ~a] adjektiv

otherworldly(of a different world than that of the here and now)
[UK: ˌʌð.ə.ˈwɜːld.li] [US: ˌʌð.r̩.ˈwɝːld.li]

västvärlden proper noun

First World(countries aligned with the West during the Cold War)
proper noun

Västvärlden proper noun

West(Western world)
proper noun
[UK: west] [US: ˈwest]


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