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de înseamnă în Engleză

den där pronomen

that one(specified object)
[UK: ðæt wʌn] [US: ˈðæt wʌn]

den där determiner

that(what is being indicated)
[UK: ðæt] [US: ˈðæt]

den ena efter den andra adverb

one by one(individually)
[UK: wʌn baɪ wʌn] [US: wʌn baɪ wʌn]

den enes död är den andres bröd phrase

one man's meat is another man's poison(people have differing tastes; what pleases one person may displease another)

den engelsktalande världen proper noun

Anglosphere(Anglophone realm)
proper noun

den eviga staden proper noun

Eternal City(nickname for Rome)
proper noun

den femhundrade substantiv


den flygande holländaren proper noun

Flying Dutchman(mythical ghost ship)
proper noun
[UK: ˈflaɪ.ɪŋ ˈdʌt.ʃmən] [US: ˈflaɪ.ɪŋ ˈdʌt.ʃmən]

den har

it's(it has)
[UK: ɪts] [US: ɪts]

den här determiner

this(the (thing) here)
[UK: ðɪs] [US: ðɪs]

den här pronomen

this(the thing, item, etc. being indicated)
[UK: ðɪs] [US: ðɪs]

this one(a specified object)
[UK: ðɪs wʌn] [US: ðɪs wʌn]

den heliga graal proper noun

Holy Grail(artifact in Christian mythology)
proper noun
[UK: ˈhəʊ.li ɡreɪl] [US: ˈhoʊ.li ˈɡreɪl]

den Helige Ande proper noun

Holy Spirit(Christian: person of the Holy Trinity)
proper noun
[UK: ˈhəʊ.li ˈspɪ.rɪt] [US: ˈhoʊ.li ˈspɪ.rət]

den Helige Anden proper noun

Holy Spirit(Christian: person of the Holy Trinity)
proper noun
[UK: ˈhəʊ.li ˈspɪ.rɪt] [US: ˈhoʊ.li ˈspɪ.rət]

Den Helige Anden proper noun

God the Holy Ghost(person of the Trinity)
proper noun

den man älskar phrase

spare the rod and spoil the child(if one does not discipline a child he or she will never learn respect or humility)
[UK: speə(r) ðə rɒd ənd spɔɪl ðə tʃaɪld] [US: ˈsper ðə ˈrɑːd ænd ˌspɔɪl ðə ˈtʃaɪld]

den sista måltiden proper noun

Last Supper(last meal Jesus ate with disciples)
proper noun
[UK: lɑːst ˈsʌ.pə(r)] [US: ˈlæst ˈsʌ.pər]

Den som gapar efter mycket mister ofta hela stycket. phrase

grasp all, lose all(one who wants everything, may lose it all)
[UK: ɡrɑːsp ɔːl luːz ɔːl] [US: ˈɡræsp ɔːl ˈluːz ɔːl]

den som gräver en grop åt andra phrase

he who digs a pit for others falls in himself(he who digs a pit for others, falls in himself)

den som gräver en grop åt andra faller ofta själv däri phrase

he who digs a pit for others falls in himself(he who digs a pit for others, falls in himself)

den som lever får se phrase

time will tell(results of an action cannot be known beforehand)
[UK: ˈtaɪm wɪl tel] [US: ˈtaɪm wɪl ˈtel]

den som sa det phrase

I'm rubber, you're gluephrase

den som sa det kan va det phrase

I know you are but what am I(assertion that an insult made by the party to whom the phrase is directed is actually true of that party)

den som sätter igång först når mest framgång phrase

the early bird gets the worm(whoever arrives first has the best chance of success)
[UK: ðə ˈɜː.li bɜːd ˈɡets ðə wɜːm] [US: ðə ˈɝː.li ˈbɝːd ˈɡets ðə ˈwɝːm]

den som väntar på något gott phrase

good things come to those who wait(patience is a virtue)
[UK: ɡʊd ˈθɪŋz kʌm tuː ðəʊz huː weɪt] [US: ˈɡʊd ˈθɪŋz ˈkəm ˈtuː ðoʊz ˈhuː ˈweɪt]

den utvalde substantiv

the chosen one(character destined to save the world)

the one(person destined to save the universe or world, also called the Chosen One)
[UK: ðə wʌn] [US: ðə wʌn]

den vite mannens börda substantiv

white man's burden(supposed responsibility of whites)
[UK: waɪt mænz ˈbɜːd.n̩] [US: ˈwaɪt ˈmænz ˈbɝː.dn̩]

den yngre substantiv

junior [juniors](someone younger than someone else)
[UK: ˈdʒuː.nɪə(r)] [US: ˈdʒuː.njər]

den/det bästa substantiv

choice [choices](definite: best or most preferable part)
[UK: tʃɔɪs] [US: tʃɔɪs]

denaturering [~en] substantiv

denaturation [denaturations](addition of a noxious substance to alcohol)
[UK: dˌenətʃərˈeɪʃən] [US: dˌenətʃɚrˈeɪʃən]

denazifiera verb

denazify [denazified, denazifying, denazifies](to free from Nazi influence)
[UK: diː.ˈnɑːt.sɪ.faɪ] [US: diː.ˈnɑːt.sə.ˌfaɪ]

denazifiering substantiv

denazification(process of the removal of Nazis)
[UK: diː.ˌnɑːt.sɪ.fɪˈk.eɪ.ʃən] [US: diː.ˌnɑːt.sɪ.fɪˈk.eɪ.ʃən]

dendrit [~en ~er] substantiv

dendrite [dendrites](projection of a nerve cell)
[UK: ˈden.draɪt] [US: ˈden.draɪt]

dendritisk cell substantiv

dendritic cell(immune cell)

dendrokronologi [~n] substantiv

dendrochronology(science of counting tree rings)
[UK: ˌden.drəʊ.krə.ˈnɒ.lə.dʒi] [US: ˌdendro.ʊ.krə.ˈnɒ.lə.dʒi]

dendrologi [~n] substantiv

dendrology(the study of trees)
[UK: den.ˈdrɒ.lə.dʒɪ] [US: den.ˈdrɑː.lə.dʒiː]

denguefeber substantiv

dengue fever(disease)
[UK: ˈdenɡ ˈfiː.və(r)] [US: ˈdenɡ ˈfiː.vər]

denier [~] substantiv

denier [deniers](unit of fineness of yarn)
[UK: ˈde.nɪə(r)] [US: ˈde.nɪər]


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