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portugués înseamnă în Engleză

portugués noun

Lusophone(Portuguese speaker)

portugués adjective

Lusophone(of a person, Portuguese-speaking)

Portuguese(of or relating to the region of Portugal)
[UK: ˌpɔː.tʃʊ.ˈɡiːz] [US: ˈpɔːr.tʃə.ˌɡiz]
He is Portuguese. = Es portugués.

portugués noun

Portuguese [Portuguese](person native to Portugal)
[UK: ˌpɔː.tʃʊ.ˈɡiːz] [US: ˈpɔːr.tʃə.ˌɡiz]
He is Portuguese. = Es portugués.

portugués proper noun

Portuguese(the language)
proper noun
[UK: ˌpɔː.tʃʊ.ˈɡiːz] [US: ˈpɔːr.tʃə.ˌɡiz]
He is Portuguese. = Es portugués.

portugués brasileño proper noun

Brazilian Portuguese(Portuguese spoken and written in Brazil)
proper noun

portugués medieval proper noun

Old Portuguese(Portuguese language from 13th to 16th centuries)
proper noun

galaicoportugués proper noun

Old Portuguese(Portuguese language from 13th to 16th centuries)
proper noun

gallegoportugués proper noun

Old Portuguese(Portuguese language from 13th to 16th centuries)
proper noun

perro de agua portugués noun

Portuguese Water Dognoun

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