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кувейт înseamnă în Engleză

Кувейт proper noun

Kuwait(country in the Middle East)
proper noun
[UK: kʊ.ˈweɪt] [US: kuː.ˈweɪt]

Kuwait City(capital of Kuwait)
proper noun
[UK: kʊ.ˈweɪt ˈsɪ.ti] [US: kuː.ˈweɪt ˈsɪ.ti]

кувейтец noun

Kuwaiti [Kuwaitis](A person from Kuwait or of Kuwaiti descent)
[UK: kʊ.ˈweɪ.ti] [US: kuː.ˈweɪ.ti]

кувейтка noun

Kuwaiti [Kuwaitis](A person from Kuwait or of Kuwaiti descent)
[UK: kʊ.ˈweɪ.ti] [US: kuː.ˈweɪ.ti]

кувейтский adjective

Kuwaiti(of, from, or pertaining to Kuwait or the Kuwaiti people)
[UK: kʊ.ˈweɪ.ti] [US: kuː.ˈweɪ.ti]

Государство Кувейт proper noun

State of Kuwait(country (official name))
proper noun

житель Кувейта noun

Kuwaiti [Kuwaitis](A person from Kuwait or of Kuwaiti descent)
[UK: kʊ.ˈweɪ.ti] [US: kuː.ˈweɪ.ti]

жительница Кувейта noun

Kuwaiti [Kuwaitis](A person from Kuwait or of Kuwaiti descent)
[UK: kʊ.ˈweɪ.ti] [US: kuː.ˈweɪ.ti]

Эль-Кувейт proper noun

Kuwait City(capital of Kuwait)
proper noun
[UK: kʊ.ˈweɪt ˈsɪ.ti] [US: kuː.ˈweɪt ˈsɪ.ti]