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w înseamnă în Engleză

w sprawie

with regard toconcerning

w sprzeczności

at oddsin disagreement; conflicting

w średnim wieku adjective

of, or relating to middle age

w środku

at the dead of

in the centre in the center

in the dead of

in the midst ofin the middle of; amidst; amongst

w środku adverb

within the interior

w stosunku do

in comparison with

w stroju Adama adjective

completely nude

w stronę

towardin the direction of

w stylu

afterin allusion to, in imitation of; following or referencing

along the lines ofsimilar to but not exactly equal

w świetle

in light ofgiven, considering

w świetle dnia

in the cold light of dayviewed calmly and dispassionately after allowing emotions to cool

w swoim czasie

at the right time

in due timeeventually

w swoim żywiole

in one's elementin a suitable environment

w szczególności

in particularespecially, individually or specifically

w szczególności adverb


w taki sposób

like thatin that particular manner

w takim razie adverb

in that caseadverb

w tę i nazad adverb

to and froadverb
back and forth

w tę i we wadverb

hither and thitheradverb
in a disorderly manner

w tej chwili

at the momentright now

w tej chwili adverb

at the present time

w ten sposób

like thatin that particular manner

w ten sposób adverb

in this way or manner

w teorii

in theory

w toku

under wayin operation or in process

w toku adjective

continuing, permanent

presently or currently happening; being in progress

w toku adverb

in motion, in progress; being done or carried out

w trakcie

duringfor all of a given time interval

duringwithin a given time interval

in the middle ofengaged in but not finished with

in the process ofengaged in but not finished with

w trakcie lotu adjective

in flight

w trakcie tworzenia

in the makingin the process of being made

w trudnej sytuacji noun

tight spotnoun
a difficult position


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