dicţionar Polonez-Englez »

moje înseamnă în Engleză

moje pronoun

that which belongs to me

moje auto się zepsuło

my car has broken downmy car has broken down

moje szczęście, twój pech interjection

Used after simultaneous speech

cała przyjemność po mojej stronie

pleasure's all mine

cała przyjemność po mojej stronie interjection

my pleasureinterjection
a polite reaction to receiving thanks

nie mogę znaleźć mojego ...

I can't find my ...I can't find my ...

nie mogę znaleźć mojej ...

I can't find my ...I can't find my ...

po mojemu

for my money

in my opinionaccording to me

the way I see it

the way I see things

to my way of thinking

raz, dwa, trzy, moje szczęście interjection

Used after simultaneous speech

samojedzki adjective

of or pertaining to these languages



to tylko moje zdanie

your mileage may varythis is just my opinion

w mojej opinii

in one's opinion

wróg mojego wroga jest moim przyjacielem

the enemy of my enemy is my friendit is sometimes necessary to cooperate with a person one does not like or agree with, in order to combat a common threat

zapamiętaj moje słowa

mark my wordslisten to me

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