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cesarskie cięcie

caesarean section

caesarian operation

cesarskie cięcie noun

Caesarean sectionnoun
incision in the womb

chciałbym ciebie pocałować

I'd like to kiss youI'd like to kiss you

chronka ciemna noun

blackish-gray antshrikenoun
passerine bird

chuj ci w dupę verb

shove it up your assverb
exclamation of contempt (vulgar)

chuj ci w dupę interjection

bite meinterjection
expression of discontent or aggravation

chuj ci w dupę noun

fuck younoun
fuck you

chuj ci w oko! noun

fuck younoun
fuck you

cierp ciało, skoroś chciało

the chickens come home to roosta person's past wrongdoings will always return to negatively affect them (idiom)

co ci chodzi po głowie

what's on your mindwhat is bothering you?

co cię nie zabije, to cię wzmocni

what doesn't kill you makes you strongerhardship builds moral character

co u ciebie?

how are yougreeting

co z siebie dajesz, to do ciebie wraca

what goes around comes aroundactions have consequences

czas teraźniejszy ciągły noun

present continuousnoun
tense that describes an ongoing action in the present

czas teraźniejszy dokonany ciągły noun

present perfect continuousnoun
tense that expresses an unbroken action continuing at the present time

część ciała noun

body partnoun
anatomy: part of organism

czy ja cię znam?

do I know youdo I know you?

czy mogę ci pomóc?

can I help youoffering of assistance

czy mogę postawić ci drinka?

can I buy you a drinkcan I buy you a drink?

dalszy ciąg noun

act or state of continuing

dobrze Ci tak! verb

serve someone rightverb
serves you right!

drozd ciemny noun

Siberian thrushnoun
Geokichla sibirica

drozdaczek ciemny noun

Siberian thrushnoun
Geokichla sibirica

drozdoń ciemny noun

Siberian thrushnoun
Geokichla sibirica

dusza chętna, ale ciało słabe

the spirit is willing but the flesh is weakachieving something is made impossible by frailty

duszą i ciałem adverb

body and souladverb

dziadek cioteczny noun

uncle of one's parent

dziecko prawdę ci powie

out of the mouths of babesfrom the comments of children comes truth

efekt cieplarniany noun

greenhouse effectnoun
process by which a planet is warmed by its atmosphere

egipskie ciemności

Cimmerian darkness

elektrownia cieplna

thermal power plant

front ciepły noun

warm frontnoun
the trailing edge of a mass of cold air

funkcja ciągła noun

continuous functionnoun
function from one topological space to another

continuous functionnoun
function whose value changes only slightly when its input changes slightly

gabinet cieni noun

Shadow Cabinetnoun
a senior group of opposition politicians who shadow the members of the government

gaz cieplarniany noun

greenhouse gasnoun
any gas that contributes to the greenhouse effect

gdy się człowiek spieszy, to się diabeł cieszy

haste makes wastebeing too hasty leads to wasteful mistakes

gdy się człowiek śpieszy, to się diabeł cieszy

more haste, less speedwhen one is in a hurry, one often ends up completing a task more slowly

gdy życie daje ci cytryny, zrób z nich lemoniadę

when life gives you lemons, make lemonademake the best out of difficult situations


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