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-ż înseamnă în Engleză

to jest dopiero życie

this is the lifean expression of bliss

to jest życie

this is the lifean expression of bliss

tracić życie verb

lose one's lifeverb
to die

tryb życia noun

way of lifenoun
style of living

tryb życzący noun


twoje życzenie jest dla mnie rozkazem

your wish is my commandwhat you wish for I will effect as if it were a command

tyle że

exceptwith the exception that

ifalthough; used to introduce a concession


ubezpieczenie na życie noun

life insurancenoun
form of insurance

umarł król, niech żyje król

the King is dead, long live the King

the king is dead, long live the king!

utracić życie verb

lose one's lifeverb
to die

w każdym żarcie jest ziarno prawdy

there's a grain of truth in every jokepeople convey truth in jokes

w swoim żywiole

in one's elementin a suitable environment

w żadnym wypadku

under no circumstancesnever ever

w żartach

in jestas a joke

w żywe oczy



w żółwim tempie

at a turtle's pace

warunki życia noun

living conditionsnoun
living conditions

wchodzić w życie

become effective

enter into force

wchodzić w życie verb

come into forceverb
become valid or active

wejście w życie noun

coming into forcenoun

wejść w życie verb

come into forceverb
become valid or active

woreczek żółciowy noun

gall bladdernoun
pear-shaped organ that stores bile

wprowadzić w życie verb

bring about

z uwagi na to że

seeinginasmuch as; in view of the fact

z żabiej perspektywy noun

frog's-eye viewnoun
point of view from the ground or from within a system

za żadne pieniądze noun

all the tea in Chinanoun
something priceless or invaluable

za żadne skarby świata

not for all the tea in China

not for love or money

not for world

zabrać jednemu, żeby dać drugiemu verb

rob Peter to pay Paulverb
to use resources producing no net gain

zagrażający życiu adjective

potentially fatal

zakon żebraczy

mendicant order

zakrzepica żył głębokich

deep vein thrombosis

zarabiać na życie verb

make a livingverb
earn enough income

zasady są po to, żeby je łamać

rules are made to be brokenit is acceptable to break rules


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