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-ś înseamnă în Engleză

w środku

at the dead of

in the centre in the center

in the dead of

in the midst ofin the middle of; amidst; amongst

w środku adverb

within the interior

w świetle

in light ofgiven, considering

w świetle dnia

in the cold light of dayviewed calmly and dispassionately after allowing emotions to cool

walczyć ze śmiercią verb

fight for one's lifeverb
to be in danger of dying

walić głową w ścianę verb

bang one's head against a brick wallverb
to waste effort on a futile project

walka na śmierć noun

fight to the deathnoun
A fight in which there is only one winner, the survivor

Wesołych Świąt

Happy Easter

happy Easteran expression used during Easter

happy holidaysholiday greeting

Merry Christmas

merry Christmasgood wishes at Christmas time

Wesołych Świąt Bożego Narodzenia

merry Christmasgood wishes at Christmas time

wesołych Świąt i szczęśliwego Nowego Roku!

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Yeartraditional greeting for the Christmas and the new year

Wielka Środa noun

Holy Wednesdaynoun

wino, kobiety i śpiew

wine women and song

woda święcona noun

holy waternoun
water, sanctified

województwo śskie noun

Silesian Voivodeshipnoun
Silesian Voivodeship

Województwo świętokrzyskie noun

Świętokrzyskie Voivodeshipnoun
Greater Poland Voivodeship

wojna światowa noun

world warnoun
a war involving the major nations of the world

wolny świat noun

free worldnoun
collectively, all the countries that have democratic or capitalistic governments, as opposed to dictatorships or communist states

worek na śmieci noun

bin bag

wpaść jak śliwka w kompot

be up shit creek without a paddle

wróbel śródziemnomorski noun

Spanish sparrownoun
Passer hispaniolensis

Wszystkich Świętych noun

All Saints' Daynoun
feast day

wybierać się na tamten świat verb

have one foot in the graveverb

wyciągać na światło dzienne verb

bring to lightverb

wyciągnąć na światło dzienne verb

bring to lightverb

wycięcie ślepej kiszki noun

surgical procedure

wydzielać ślinę verb

to produce saliva

wykształcenie średnie noun

secondary educationnoun
education of children that follows primary education and leads to either employment or further education


take out the trash

wyrok śmierci noun

death sentencenoun

Wyspa Świętego Tomasza

São Tomé Island

Wyspy Świętego Tomasza i Książęca noun

São Tomé and Príncipenoun
Democratic Republic of São Tomé and Príncipe

wystawa światowa noun

World Expositionnoun
a regular international exposition

Wyżyna Śska

Silesian Upland


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