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świat înseamnă în Engleză

na końcu świata

in the middle of nowhere

najstarszy zawód świata noun

world's oldest professionnoun
euphemism for prostitution

naprawiać świat verb

set the world to rightsverb

naprawić świat verb

set the world to rightsverb

nie z tego świata adjective

out of this worldadjective

niech stanie się światłość

let there be lightlet there be light

nowy porządek świata

new world order

nowy porządek świata noun

New World Ordernoun
conspiracy theory

Nowy Świat noun

New Worldnoun
the Americas and Oceania

obieżyświat noun

person who travels often to faraway places

obserwowalny wszechświat noun

observable universenoun

obywatel świata noun

citizen of the worldnoun
person who takes the view that they belong to no particular country or state

obywatelka świata noun

citizen of the worldnoun
person who takes the view that they belong to no particular country or state

ogólnoświatowa sieć noun

World Wide Webnoun
all of the web pages on the Internet that hyperlink to each other and to other kinds of media



okno na świat

window on the world

window onto the world

window to the world

oświata noun

process or art of imparting knowledge, skill and judgment

pierwsza wojna światowa

First World War

pierwsza wojna światowa noun

World War Inoun

Pierwszy Świat noun

First Worldnoun
countries aligned with the West during the Cold War

pokój światowy noun

world peacenoun
ideology of universal global understanding and non-violence

porządek światowy noun

world ordernoun
structure that manages the world's stability

potęga światowa noun

world powernoun
nation which influences world affairs

poświata noun

glow in the sky after sunset

light emitted by a phosphor after excitation

the state of a glowing object

promień światła noun

ray of lightnoun
column of light

przychodzić na świat verb

come into the worldverb
be born

przyjść na świat verb

come into the worldverb
be born

prędkość światła noun

the speed of light

speed of lightnoun
the speed of electromagnetic radiation in a perfect vacuum

półświatek noun

group having little respect or reputation

part of society engaged in crime or vice

rozgłaszać na cały świat verb

shout from the rooftopsverb

rozgłosić na cały świat verb

shout from the rooftopsverb

rzucać światło verb

shed light onverb
to illuminate

rzucić światło verb

shed light onverb
to illuminate

stary jak świat

as old as the hills


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