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match înseamnă în Engleză

das der Match [des Matchs, des Matchs, des Matches, des Matches; die Matchs, die Matche] Substantiv

match [matches]◼◼◼noun
[UK: mætʃ] [US: ˈmætʃ]
He is bound to win the match. = Er muss das Match gewinnen.

der Matchball [des Matchball(e)s; die Matchbälle] Substantiv

match point◼◼◼noun

der Matchbeutel [des Matchbeutels; die Matchbeutel] Substantiv

duffel bagnoun
[UK: ˈdʌf.l̩ bæɡ] [US: ˈdʌf.l̩ ˈbæɡ]

der Matchcode Substantiv

match codenoun

der Matchsack Substantiv

duffle bagnoun

das Tennismatch Substantiv

tennis match◼◼◼noun

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