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heftchen înseamnă în Engleză

das Heftchen [des Heftchens; die Heftchen] Substantiv

(small) notebooknoun

[UK: ˈrʌ.bɪ.ʃi] [US: ˈrʌ.bɪ.ʃi]

trashy comicnoun

US: dime novelnoun

das Briefmarkenheftchen Substantiv

book of stampsnoun
[UK: bʊk əv stæmps] [US: ˈbʊk əv ˈstæmps]

das Eintrittskartenheftchen Substantiv

booklet of ticketsnoun

das Fahrkartenheftchen Substantiv

booklet of ticketsnoun

das Streichholzheftchen Substantiv

book of matchesnoun
[UK: bʊk əv ˈmæ.tʃɪz] [US: ˈbʊk əv ˈmæ.tʃəz]

das Zigarettenpapierheftchen Substantiv

packet of cigarette papersnoun