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turkmen înseamnă în Română

Turkmen [Turkmen] (language spoken in Turkmenistan)
[UK: ˈtɜːk.ˌmen]
[US: ˈtɝːk.ˌmen]

turkmenă [~, turkmene, turkmena, turkmenele, turkmenei, turkmenelor, turkmeno, turkmenelor]substantiv

Turkmen (of or pertaining to Turkmenistan, the Turkmen people or the Turkmen language)
[UK: ˈtɜːk.ˌmen]
[US: ˈtɝːk.ˌmen]

turkmen [~, turkmeni, turkmenă, turkmene]adjectiv

Turkmen SSR (Soviet republic)
proper noun

Republica Sovietică Socialistă Turkmenăproper noun

RSS Turkmenăproper noun

Turkmenistan (Central Asian country)
proper noun
[UK: ˌtərk.ˈme.nə.ˌstæn]
[US: ˌtərk.ˈme.nə.ˌstæn]

Turkmenistanproper noun

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