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new zealand înseamnă în Română

New Zealand (attributive form - relating to New Zealand)
proper noun
[UK: njuː ˈziː.lənd]
[US: nuː ˈziː.lənd]

neozeelandezproper noun

New Zealand (country in Oceania)
proper noun
[UK: njuː ˈziː.lənd]
[US: nuː ˈziː.lənd]

Noua Zeelandăproper noun

New Zealander [New Zealanders] (a person from New Zealand or of New Zealand descent)
[UK: njuː ˈzɪ.lən.də(r)]
[US: nuː ˈziː.lən.dər]

neozeelandez [~, ~i, ~ul, ~ii, ~ului, ~ilor, ~ule, ~ilor]substantiv

neozeelandeză [~, neozeelandeze, neozeelandeza, neozeelandezele, neozeelandezei, neozeelandezelor, neozeelandezo, neozeelandezelor]substantiv

New Zealandress (female New Zealander)

neozeelandeză [~, neozeelandeze, neozeelandeza, neozeelandezele, neozeelandezei, neozeelandezelor, neozeelandezo, neozeelandezelor]substantiv

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