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franc înseamnă în Română

franc [francs] (former currency of France and Belgium)
[UK: fræŋk]
[US: ˈfræŋk]

franc [~, ~i, ~ul, ~ii, ~ului, ~ilor, ~ule, ~ilor]substantiv

France (country)
proper noun
[UK: frɑːns]
[US: ˈfræns]

Franțaproper noun

Francis (male given name)
proper noun
[UK: ˈfrɑːn.sɪs]
[US: ˈfræn.səs]

Franciscproper noun

francium (chemical element)

franciu [~, {inv}, ~l, {inv}, ~lui, {inv}, ~le, {inv}]substantiv

New France (France's former possessions and colonies in North America)
proper noun

Noua Franțaproper noun

Tour de France (annual long-distance cycling race through France)
proper noun

Turul Franțeiproper noun

Istoricul cautarilor