dicţionar Englez-Polonez »

words înseamnă în Poloneză

words noun
lines in a script for a performance


words fail someone verb
to be incapable of describing something with words

ręce opadająverb

ręce opadłyverb

wordsmith noun
one who uses words skillfully




word search noun
a word game


a picture is worth a thousand words visualisation is better than verbal description

jeden obraz jest wart więcej niż tysiąc słów

actions speak louder than words it is more effective to act than speak

czyny mówią głośniej niż słowa

at a loss for words having nothing to say

brak komuś słów

beat one's swords into ploughshares

przekuwać miecze na lemiesze

dictionary of foreign words

słownik wyrazów obcych

in other words stated or interpreted another way

innymi słowy

in words


mark my words listen to me

zapamiętaj moje słowa

mince words verb
to use euphemisms

nazywać rzeczy po imieniuverb

or words to that effect used to indicate a paraphrase

coś w tym stylu

play on words noun
pun or similar humorous use of language

gra słównoun

put into words

ubrać w słowa

put words in someone's mouth verb
say or imply that someone has said a thing

wkładać w ustaverb

włożyć w ustaverb

swordsman noun
a person skilled at using swords


swordsman noun
a person who fights with a sword


swordsmanship noun
the skill of using a sword


swordsmith noun
a maker of swords


take the words out of someone's mouth verb

wyjmować z ustverb

wyjąć z ustverb

tell a few words


twist someone's words

wkładać w usta