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where înseamnă în Poloneză

where adverb
at or in what place


where at or in which place



where adverb
at what place; to what place; from what place


where adverb


where adverb
in what situation


where legal: in the situation in which


where noun
the place in which something happens


where adverb
the place in which


where adverb
to what place


where to which place or situation


where while on the contrary, although, whereas

podczas gdy

where are we where are we

gdzie jesteśmy?

where are we going where are we going?

gdzie idziemy?

where are you where are you?

gdzie jesteś?

where are you from in which country or region were you born or raised

skąd jesteś?

skąd pan jest

skąd pochodzisz?

where are your parents where are your parents?

gdzie są pana rodzice?

gdzie są pani rodzice?

gdzie są twoi rodzice?

where can I find a hotel where can I find a hotel

gdzie jest hotel?

where do you live where do you live?

gdzie mieszkacie?

gdzie mieszkasz?

gdzie Pan mieszka?

gdzie Pani mieszka?

where does it hurt where does it hurt?

co boli?

where does this bus go where does this bus go

dokąd jedzie ten autobus?

where does this train go where does this train go

dokąd jedzie ten pociąg?

where from


where have you been where have you been?

gdzie byliście?

gdzie byłaś?

gdzie byłeś?

gdzie byłyście?

gdzie pan był?

gdzie pani była?

where is the toilet

gdzie jest toaleta?

gdzie jest ubikacja?

where the shoe pinches

sęk w tym

where there is a will there is a way if someone wants or wills something strongly enough, a way can be found

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