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kingdom înseamnă în Poloneză

kingdom noun
realm having as supreme ruler a king and/or queen


kingdom noun
taxonomic division, below Domain and above Phylum


Kingdom Hall noun
place where Jehovah's Witnesses meet

sala królestwanoun

Kingdom of Belgium noun
official name of Belgium

Królestwo Belgiinoun

Kingdom of Bhutan

Królestwo Bhutanu

Kingdom of Cambodia noun
official name of Cambodia

Królestwo Kambodżynoun

Kingdom of Denmark noun
official name of Denmark

Królestwo Daniinoun

Kingdom of England noun
Kingdom of England

Królestwo Angliinoun

Kingdom of Great Britain noun

Królestwo Wielkiej Brytaniinoun

Kingdom of Heaven noun
Christian concept


Kingdom of Italy noun

Królestwo Włochnoun

Królestwo Włoskienoun

kingdom of Kush


Kingdom of Lesotho noun
official name of Lesotho

Królestwo Lesothonoun

Kingdom of Morocco noun
official name of Morocco

Królestwo Marokańskienoun

Kingdom of Norway noun
official name of Norway

Królestwo Norwegiinoun

Kingdom of Poland

Królestwo Polskie

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia noun
official name of Saudi Arabia

Królestwo Arabii Saudyjskiejnoun

Kingdom of Scotland noun
Kingdom of Scotland

Królestwo Szkocjinoun

Kingdom of Spain noun
official name of Spain

Królestwo Hiszpaniinoun

Kingdom of Sweden noun
official name of Sweden

Królestwo Szwecjinoun

Kingdom of Thailand noun
official name of Thailand

Królestwo Tajlandiinoun

Kingdom of the Netherlands noun
monarchy consisting of the Netherlands and the Caribbean independent constituent countries

Królestwo Niderlandównoun

animal kingdom noun
Regnum Animalia

królestwo zwierzątnoun

blow to kingdom come verb
to totally destroy (something)

zetrzeć z powierzchni ziemiverb

Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan noun
Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan

Jordańskie Królestwo Haszymidzkienoun

it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God proverb

łatwiej jest wielbłądowi przejść przez ucho igielne, niż bogatemu wejść do królestwa niebieskiego

Middle Kingdom noun
Egypt in the late 11th, 12th, and early 13th dynasties

Średnie Państwonoun

Middle Kingdom noun
nickname for China

Państwo Środkanoun

my kingdom for a horse willingness to sacrifice anything for something previously unimportant

królestwo za konia

United Kingdom noun
sovereign state in Europe

Zjednoczone Królestwonoun

United Kingdom of Great Britain noun
United Kingdom of Great Britain

Zjednoczone Królestwo Wielkiej Brytaniinoun

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland noun
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland

Zjednoczone Królestwo Wielkiej Brytanii i Irlandiinoun

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland noun
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

Zjednoczone Królestwo Wielkiej Brytanii i Irlandii Północnejnoun

until kingdom come

do usranej śmierci