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hat înseamnă în Poloneză

exception that proves the rule noun
occurrence of counterexample

wyjątek potwierdza regułęnoun

failing that adverb


w przeciwnym razieadverb

w przeciwnym wypadkuadverb

for all that

mimo wszystko

for that matter as far as that is concerned

jeśli o to chodzi

for what it's worth considering what limited worth this advice may have

żeby nie było

given that in consideration of the fact that

biorąc pod uwagę, że

z uwagi na

guess what used to dramatize the unsurprising

wiesz co

Gulf of Khambhat

Zatoka Kambajska

hard hat noun
construction helmet


kask budowlanynoun

have a chat


he that seeketh findeth

kto szuka, ten znajdzie

hi-hat noun
drum kit part


high hat


Homburg hat noun
a stiff felt hat similar to a fedora


how about that expression of perplexity or surprise

no proszęǃ

I hate you expression of intense dislike

nienawidzę cię

nienawidzę ciebie

I know you are but what am I assertion that an insult made by the party to whom the phrase is directed is actually true of that party

chyba ty

if you know what I mean used to allude to something unsaid or hinted at

jeśli wiesz, co mam na myśli

in order that so that


in that case adverb

w takim razieadverb

in the hope that

w nadziei na

is that so really


it is not the beard that makes the philosopher

broda mędrcem nie czyni

it is what it is this thing has its own nature

jest jak jest

it's the thought that counts when giving someone a present or doing a favour for someone, the kindness is more important than any other consideration

liczy się gest



Jehoshaphat noun
biblical name


just like that adverb
without warning

tak po prostuadverb

Kamchatka noun
krai of Russia

Kraj Kamczackinoun

Kamchatka noun
peninsula in the Russian Far East


Kamchatka noun
river in Russia


Kamchatkan adjective


khat noun
shrub (Catha edulis)

czuwaliczka jadalnanoun

Khatanga Bay

Zatoka Chatańska

Khatanga Gulf

Zatoka Chatańska


Istoricul cautarilor