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goo înseamnă în Poloneză

be good for verb
be fit


bean goose noun
Anser fabalis

gęś zbożowanoun

black goose


brant goose

bernikla obrożna

brent goose noun
small member of the goose family

bernikla obrożnanoun

cackling goose noun
Branta hutchinsii

bernikla północnanoun

Canada goose noun
Branta canadensis

bernikla kanadyjskanoun

cape gooseberry noun

miechunka peruwiańskanoun

Cape of Good Hope noun
a cape in southwestern South Africa

Przylądek Dobrej Nadzieinoun

common good noun
general interest of the population as a whole

dobro wspólnenoun

consumer good noun
goods that consumers buy

dobra konsumpcyjnenoun

cotton pygmy goose noun
Nettapus coromandelianus

kaczuszka azjatyckanoun

do-gooder noun
one who has a conviction of their own moral superiority

naiwny dobroczyńcanoun

dragoon noun
horse soldier


dry goods


Egyptian goose noun
Alopochen aegyptiacus

gęś egipskanoun

gęsiówka egipskanoun

kazarka egipskanoun

ersatz good


fat lot of good noun

na nicnoun

finger-lickin' good

palce lizać

for good forever; permanently

na dobre

for good and for bad

na dobre i na złe

for good measure in excess of the required minimum

na dodatek

for goodness' sake

rany boskie

give as good as one gets

nie pozostawać dłużnym

gobbledygook noun
Nonsense; meaningless or encrypted language.


golden goose noun
something that generates much profit

kura znosząca złote jajkanoun

greater good noun
benefit of the public

dobro wspólnenoun

greater white-fronted goose noun
Anser albifrons

gęś białoczelnanoun

greylag goose noun
Anser anser


have a good journey

szczęśliwej drogi

have a good one verb
to enjoy an event


have a good trip

szczęśliwej drogi

have good command of


have something on good authority verb

wiedzieć o czymś z dobrego źródłaverb

Hawaiian goose

bernikla hawajska

heavy goods vehicle noun
a large vehicle used to transport cargo


household goods noun
collectively, products destined for use in the house

artykuły użytku domowegonoun

I'm good no, thank you

nie, dziękuję