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freedom înseamnă în Poloneză

freedom noun
lack of a specific constraint



freedom noun
state of not being imprisoned or enslaved



freedom fighter noun

bojownik o wolnośćnoun

freedom of assembly noun
right of citizens to freely congregate or assemble

wolność zgromadzeńnoun

freedom of association noun

wolność zrzeszania sięnoun

freedom of movement noun
the right of a citizen to travel within a state, and to leave and return to that state

swoboda poruszania sięnoun

freedom of panorama noun
provision in copyright law

wolność panoramynoun

freedom of speech

wolność słowa

freedom of the press noun
right of media to disseminate ideas and opinions

wolność prasynoun

degree of freedom noun
independent variable required to specify the thermodynamic state

stopień swobodynoun

degree of freedom noun
mathematics: unrestricted variable

stopień swobodynoun

degree of freedom noun
minimum number of coordinates usable to describe a mechanical system

stopień swobodynoun

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