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cardiovascular disease înseamnă în Poloneză

disease noun
an abnormal condition of the body causing discomfort or dysfunction


Huntington's disease noun
the neurological disease

pląsawica Huntingtonanoun

Lyme disease noun
infection by bacteria of the genus Borrelia


French disease

francuska choroba

coeliac disease noun
auto-immune disease characterised by sensitivity of the lining of the small intestine to gluten


Alzheimer's disease noun
mental disorder from brain tissue changes


contagious disease

choroba zakaźna

Legionnaires' disease

choroba legionistów

Parkinson's disease noun
Parkinson's disease

choroba Parkinsonanoun

fungal disease


Kienbock's disease noun
disease of the wrist

choroba Kienböckanoun

atherosclerotic disease


venereal disease noun
contagious disease spread through sexual intercourse

choroba wenerycznanoun

Alzheimer's disease noun
mental disorder from brain tissue changes

choroba Alzheimeranoun

Lyme disease noun
infection by bacteria of the genus Borrelia

choroba z Lymenoun

disease of affluence

choroba cywilizacyjna

inflammatory bowel disease noun
inflammatory disorder

nieswoiste zapalenie jelitnoun

brittle bone disease

wrodzona łamliwość kości

sexually transmitted disease noun
disease contracted through sexual contact

choroba przenoszona drogą płciowąnoun

Ebola virus disease

gorączka krwotoczna Ebola

Guinea-worm disease


coronary artery disease

choroba niedokrwienna serca

Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease noun
Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease

choroba Creutzfeldta-Jakobanoun

chronic wasting disease noun
type of disease

przewlekła choroba wyniszczającanoun

Dutch elm disease noun
disease of elm trees

holenderska choroba wiązunoun

mad cow disease noun
informal: bovine spongiform encephalopathy

choroba szalonych krównoun

ischemic heart disease

choroba niedokrwienna serca

peptic ulcer disease

choroba wrzodowa

von Willebrand disease

choroba von Willebranda

sexually transmitted disease noun
disease contracted through sexual contact

choroba wenerycznanoun

foot-and-mouth disease noun
foot-and-mouth disease


chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

przewlekła obturacyjna choroba płuc