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-th înseamnă în Poloneză

at the end of one's tether at the limit of one’s patience

u kresu wytrzymałości

at the end of the day in summary; ultimately

koniec końców

na koniec dnia


w ostatecznym rozrachunku

at the end of the world

na końcu świata

at the expense of in a way as to harm somebody or something


at the expense of paid for by an individual or group


at the feet of very near to

u stóp

at the front

z przodu

at the hands of by the actions of

z rąk

at the helm in charge of a company or project

na czele

at the helm steering a vessel

u steru

at the last minute very close to a deadline

w ostatniej chwili

at the latest not later than


at the mercy of defenseless against

na łasce

at the moment right now


w tej chwili

w tym momencie

at the ready ready; in a state of preparation or waiting; in position or anticipation

w gotowości

at the right time

w swoim czasie

at the same time simultaneously


w tym samym czasie

at the sight of

na widok

at the time at the time referred to the specific time period, era, or time frame in the past


at the top of one's voice

na całe gardło

na cały głos

at the very least adverb
as an absolute minimum


w najgorszym przypadkuadverb

at this rate continuing at the current pace

w tym tempie

at this very moment


attack is the best form of defence attacking the opposition first is better than waiting

najlepszą obroną jest atak

Attila the Hun noun
king of the tribes of Huns


avoid like the plague verb
to evade or shun

bać się jak diabeł święconej wodyverb

away with the fairies adjective
lost in thought

w roztargniony sposóbadjective


back in the day in the distant past


powrotem w dzień



back the wrong horse verb
to support something or someone unsuccessful

postawić na złego koniaverb


Istoricul cautarilor