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with it înseamnă în Germană

with it


er steht es fern :he has nothing to do with it verb

fernstehen [stand fern; hat ferngestanden]Verb

get on with it


He puts up with it.

Er gibt sich damit zufrieden.

I can't cope (with it) any longer.

Ich verkrafte es nicht mehr.

I can't do anything with it.

Ich kann nichts damit anfangen.

I can't see anything wrong with it.

Ich habe nichts daran zu beanstanden.

I'll make do with it.

Ich werde schon damit auskommen.

I'm fed up with it.

Ich habe es satt.◼◼◼

mit eingekniffenem Schwanz: with its tail between its legs verb

einkneifen [kniff ein; hat eingekniffen]Verb

to hell with it! noun

ach [des ach, des ach; die achy]◼◼◼Substantiv

we have to go through with it verb

durchmüssen [musste durch; hat durchgemusst]Verb

What's to be done with it?

Was soll damit geschehen?