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psychic înseamnă în Germană

psychic [UK: ˈsaɪkɪk]
[US: ˈsaɪkɪk]

psychisch◼◼◼Parapsychology is the study of paranormal and psychic phenomenons, including ESP. = Die Parapsychologie untersucht paranormale und psychische Phänomene, darunter ASW.

psychic state noun

der Seelenzustand [des Seelenzustand(e)s; die Seelenzustände]Substantiv

psychical [UK: ˈsaɪk.ɪk.l̩]
[US: ˈsaɪk.ɪk.l̩]


psychical noun
[UK: ˈsaɪk.ɪk.l̩]
[US: ˈsaɪk.ɪk.l̩]

die Parapsychologie [der Parapsychologie; —]Substantiv

psychically [UK: psychical.lei]
[US: psychical.lei]


psychics noun
[UK: ˈsaɪkɪks]
[US: ˈsaɪkɪks]

die Seelenkunde [der Seelenkunde; die Seelenkunden]Substantiv

stratifunctional endopsychic neurosis noun

die SchichtneuroseSubstantiv

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