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prid înseamnă în Germană

prid noun

Hoffart [der Hoffart; —]Substantiv

pride [prides] noun
[UK: praɪd]
[US: ˈpraɪd]

der Hochmut [des Hochmuts, des Hochmutes; —]◼◼◼Substantiv
Pride goes before a fall. = Hochmut kommt vor dem Fall.

pride in one's social rank noun

das StandesbewußtseinSubstantiv

pride of ownership noun

Besitzerstolz [des Besitzerstolzes; —]◼◼◼Substantiv

pride of place noun

der Standesdünkel [des Standesdünkels; —]Substantiv

pridefully [UK: ˈpraɪdf(ə)li ]
[US: ˈpraɪdf(ə)li ]


leprid noun

das LepridSubstantiv

masculine pride noun

der MannesstolzSubstantiv

national pride noun

der Nationalstolz [des Nationalstolzes; —]◼◼◼Substantiv

tiapride noun

das Tiaprid◼◼◼Substantiv