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jealousy înseamnă în Germană

jealousy [jealousies] noun
[UK: ˈdʒe.lə.si]
[US: ˈdʒe.lə.si]

die Eifersucht [der Eifersucht; —]◼◼◼Substantiv
She was green with jealousy. = Sie war grün vor Eifersucht.

der Neid [des Neid[es; —]◼◼◻Substantiv
Jealousy is an enemy to friendship. = Neid ist ein Feind der Freundschaft.

jealousy about food noun

der Futterneid [des Futterneides/Futterneids; —]Substantiv

jealousy mania noun

der EifersuchtswahnSubstantiv

petty jealousy noun

die Eifersüchtelei [der Eifersüchtelei; die Eifersüchteleien]◼◼◼Substantiv

professional jealousy noun

der Konkurrenzneid [des Konkurrenzneid(e)s; —]Substantiv