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breathing înseamnă în Germană

breathing [breathings] noun
[UK: ˈbriː.ðɪŋ]
[US: ˈbriː.ðɪŋ]

das Atmen◼◼◼SubstantivIs he breathing? = Atmet er?

die Beatmung [der Beatmung; die Beatmungen]◼◻◻Substantiv

das Atemholen [des Atemholens; —]◼◻◻Substantiv

breathing adjective
[UK: ˈbriː.ðɪŋ]
[US: ˈbriː.ðɪŋ]

atmungsaktiv [atmungsaktiver; am atmungsaktivsten]◼◻◻Adjektiv

breathe [breathed, breathing, breathes] verb
[UK: briːð]
[US: ˈbriːð]

atmen [atmete, hat geatmet]◼◼◼VerbCome on, breathe! = Komm schon, atme!

hauchen [hauchte; hat gehaucht]◼◼◻VerbHe breathed his last breath. = Er hauchte seinen letzten Atem aus.

breathing again


breathing bag noun

der Atembeutel◼◼◼Substantiv

breathing exercises noun

die Atemübung [der Atemübung; die Atemübungen]◼◼◼Substantiv

breathing of sth. into noun

die Einhauchung [der Einhauchung; die Einhauchungen]Substantiv

breathing on


breathing rate noun

die Atemfrequenz◼◼◼Substantiv

breathing sound


breathing through the nose noun

Nasenatmung [der Nasenatmung; —]Substantiv

breathing time noun

die Atempause [der Atempause; die Atempausen]◼◼◼Substantiv

breathing times noun

die AtempausenSubstantiv

breathing tube noun

der Atemschlauch◼◼◼Substantiv

abdominal breathing noun

die Bauchatmung◼◼◼Substantiv

acidotic breathing noun

die AzidoseatmungSubstantiv

amphoric breathing


auxiliary breathing noun

die AuxiliaratmungSubstantiv

cavernous breathing



Cheyne-Stokes breathing noun

die Cheyne-Stokes-Atmung◼◼◼Substantiv

costal breathing noun

die KostalatmungSubstantiv

deep breathing noun

die TiefatmungSubstantiv

deep breathings noun

die TiefatmungenSubstantiv

difficulties of breathing noun

die Atembeschwerden [—; die Atembeschwerden]◼◼◼Substantiv

difficulty of breathing noun

die Atembeschwerde◼◼◼Substantiv

gasping breathing noun

die FischmaulatmungSubstantiv

Schnappatmung [der Schnappatmung; —]Substantiv

gill breathing noun

die Kiemenatmung [der Kiemenatmung; —]Substantiv

maximum breathing capacity noun

der AtemgrenzwertSubstantiv

mouth breathing noun

Mundatmung [der Mundatmung; —]◼◼◼Substantiv

nasal breathing noun

Nasenatmung [der Nasenatmung; —]◼◼◼Substantiv

non-rebreathing valve noun

das NichtrückatmungsventilSubstantiv

nonrebreathing valve


oral breathing noun

Mundatmung [der Mundatmung; —]Substantiv

poor breathing


positive-negative pressure breathing noun

die WechseldruckbeatmungSubstantiv