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living înseamnă în Arabă

living financial means; a means of maintaining life



living style of life


طَرِيقَة فِي حَيَاةf

نَمَط حَيَاةm

living fossil species believed extinct but later found living

حفرية حية

living room room in a private house

غُرْفَةْ اَلاِسْتِقْبَالf

غُرْفَةْ جُلُوسf

activities of daily living a set of common daily activities specified in healthcare, such as bathing, feeding or relieving oneself

أنشطة الحياة اليومية

cost of living average cost of a standard set of basic necessities of life

تكاليف المعيشَة

make a living earn enough income


standard of living relative measure of quality of life

مُسْتَوَى اَلْمَعِيشَةm

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