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coronas înseamnă în Arabă

Rezultate: corona
Prefer să caut asta: coronas
Corona Borealis constellation

التَّاج السَّمَالِيّ

corona glandis

إِكْلِيل الْحَشَفَةm

corona glandis penis

إِكْلِيل حَشَفَة الْقَضِيبm

coronal mass ejection coronal mass ejection

لفظ كتليّ إِكْلِيلِيّm

coronary artery disease disease of the heart

دَاء الشَّرْيَان التَّاجِيّm

مَرَض الْقَلْب التَّاجِيّm

coronary thrombosis thrombosis of a coronary artery

خُثَار تَاجِيّm

coronation act or the ceremony of formally investing a sovereign or the sovereign’s consort with a crown and other insignia of royalty


coronavirus member of the family Coronaviridae

فِيرُوس كُورُونَاm

ڤِيرُوس كُورُونَاm

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